When consulting with a physician about certain symptoms that have been affecting your well being, you will likely be required to take a urinalysis. It’s actually a lab test of your urine of which the results will provide information that will help your doctor analyze and determine the disorder being manifested by the symptoms. Some urinalysis however may be taken for a different purpose such as a pregnancy test or for drug screening. However, such urine tests will provide information that is not usually included in a routine urinalysis.
Drug screenings are usually problematic for many people since a urinalysis for this purpose will be able to detect the presence of certain drugs and/or the products of their metabolism.
What Do Drug Tests Urinalysis Reveal
A drug test urinalysis specifically looks for the presence of drugs in your urine, whether a prescription drug or an illegal drug. Drug tests or screening may also involve testing of a person’s blood, saliva, sweat and/or hair, especially if the purpose is to detect the presence of illegal substances or controlled prescription drugs in his or her system.
Still, if the results of a drug tests would be helpful in determining your health condition, it would be best to tell your doctor and even the lab technician beforehand, about any medications, supplements or even vitamins you are currently taking. That way, the results will be properly summarized and analyzed by the technician who performed the urinalysis.
Other people use a different approach to avoiding the results of a urinalysis for drug testing purposes. Instead of submitting their own urine sample, they instead commercially procure the best synthetic urine recommended by those who were able elude the adverse impact of drug detection.
The following types of drugs if detected by way of urinalysis may cause problems for the person required to undergo a drug test:
- Marijuana, which although legal in some U.S. jurisdictions has not yet been legalized by other states.
- Opioids which falls under the Schedule II classification of controlled substances subject to medical prescriptions.It’s a drug category that includes codeine, heroin, morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone and hydrocodone.
- Steroids or Anabolic steroids, are classified under Schedule III under the controlled substance category
- Amphetamines, including methamphetamine and cocaine are illegal substances.
Controlled substances are drugs that are prescribed as medication by licensed medical practitioners but are controlled because they can only be sold legally if a medical prescription is submitted.
Aside from a physician, a health care provider, a professional or collegiate sports organization, an employer a criminal investigator are entitled to require submission of a drug test urinalysis to satisfy requirements for whatever purpose deemed as fair and legal.